Release 0.54.0 - Person History

In this Iteration was planned to add the Statistic History Feature for Persons. Also the Linux version should work now. A big change is the new Construction Storage behavior, that should make it way easier to deal with multiple construction sites.

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Updates in this Iteration

Problem Report

In this iteration the Steam Playtest started. Part of the feedback was bug reports, that we couldn't analyse, due to missing info :( to prevent that in the future a new Problem Report tool was added. It can be reached by the player pressing F11 in the game or using the "Problem?" Button at the top left. Its sending the current screenshot, Savegame and other data that are useful data to analyse the Problem.

Person History

The PersonDetails have now also a history included. Its showing the time using of the person in real-time of the last 24h for now. In further iterations, i plan to add more details and different timespans. For now, its just differentiating work and service usage (so sleep is the same color as eating).

Zoom to mouse from Overview

When zooming in with the Mouse Wheel from the Overview Perspective its not zooming directly to the mouse position, so its way faster to switch to different parts of the ship.

Faster Timewarp

The algorithm for the Timespeed animation has been redone. It warps way faster, also longer periods, so the waiting times are way less, to speed up the game pace if you want it.Also the timewarp buttons not acting smoother. No more need to double click, they just add the value to the current timewarp if the skip Timewarp is already active.The timewarp is also not longer FPS dependent, so it should be the similar timings on all pc's.

New Construction site storage behavior

Before, the construction sites created connections to other storages. This had several problems: Once initialized with a storage, it was not reacting on changes of other storages anymore and were fixed to the first chosen storage. The storages was also flooded with many connections. The build priority could not be handled and much more.To improve that, i changed the behavior of the construction storages instead. The storage for constructions have now a separate connection for "Building lots" checking for it. This means, it can be prioritized as normal, without handling every building lot.It causes big changes in all parts of storage-handling, so it took a while to fix all of it. So what we have now?

  • Easy setup and prioritize in the general storages
  • Just 1 in and 1 out connection instead of 1 per each construction site
  • Turn on and off easy, without troubles having old connections
  • Construction Priority (the "!" Button in the construction site) have priority
  • Distance Priority: If same priority, its filling up the closer one
  • Other smaller changes

    • Fixed Linux build (using now Vulcan driver only) (thanks to eli for testing)
    • Fixed Exception when overlay is active and going back to main menu (thanks to ironman for reporting)
    • Improved Highlight of the Problem solving tutorial
    • Improved Tutorials (small changes)
    • Added the Consultant avatar of the Achievement to the Task
    • Improved the rocket Textures<*>Improved Tutorial and achievement text
    • Fixed Legend not hidden when resources are thrown
    • Fixed Legend of CenterOfMass Overlay
    • Fixed Lightning issue on new buildings and savegames.
    • Fixed Camera overflow scrolling bouncing back.
    • Walkway cost less steel to make ship building faster

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    Files 1.5 GB
    Version 0.54.0 Jun 17, 2021 1.2 GB
    Version 0.54.0 Jun 17, 2021 1.2 GB
    Version 0.54.0 Jun 17, 2021

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