A downloadable game for Windows

You're the AI responsible for a generation ship, mankind's last hope for survival. Build efficient raw material cycles and help your crew in a realistic real-time simulation to survive the hardness of space on their long journey to a new home!


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Earth is dying as the planet’s natural resources are depleted dry, blue skies are replaced with gray smog. Tensions rise as nations compete with one another for the increasingly dwindling resources. you’re the AI tasked with building humanity's last hope, a generation ship.

At the outset, Earth will provide ample resources to kickstart your mission. However, time is not on your side. As tensions escalate and war ravages the planet, Earth's supply lines will dwindle, leaving you with the daunting task of becoming self-sufficient. Your colony ship must evolve from relying on Earth's provisions to producing and recycling its own resources. Navigate this challenging transition, adapt your strategies, and build the capabilities needed to secure the future of humanity.

Build your colony ship

Piece by piece, build the vessel that will carry the last remnants of humanity towards a new home. But remember, every choice matters as you strive to optimize your ship's capabilities and ensure the survival of humanity.

Tough Decisions

The situation on Earth deteriorates with each passing moment, presenting you with difficult choices. Scarce supplies demand careful consideration, as there are no simple solutions. Brace yourself for the weight of consequence, for every action you take will shape the destiny of humanity.

Automate and Organize

In the vast expanse of space, every inch counts. Efficient organization and automation are crucial to maximize your ship's potential. Strategically design and arrange your generation ship to accommodate the needs of your population while conserving valuable resources.

Realistic Simulation

Prepare for a truly immersive experience as you navigate a realistic simulation of life aboard a generation ship. Encounter the challenges of managing environmental controls, human models, and the forces of gravity. Engage with a world that mirrors reality, testing your skills and pushing you to the limits.

Further Plan

  • 2024: Release of Stage 1: "Leaving Earth"
  • Further  Stage 2: Flying around in our sunsystem
    • Navigation, Research, Policies
  • Further Stage 3: Leaving our sunsystem, flying to other stars
    • Research, Families and Babys, Observations
  • Further Stage 4: Build new Colony
Updated 1 day ago
StatusIn development
Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
GenreSimulation, Survival
Made withUnity, Blender
Tags3D, City Builder, Economy, Management, Real-Time, Sci-fi, Space, Space Sim
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
AccessibilitySubtitles, Interactive tutorial
LinksSteam, Homepage, Blog, Community, Twitter, Community


Generationship-latest-win64.zip 1.4 GB
Version 0.93.26 1 day ago
generationship-windows64-test.zip 1.4 GB
Version 0.93.14-SNAPSHOT-2024-05-24T16:20Z 24 days ago

Development log

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If you ever make this game as a stand-alone without the need for interaction with Steam... please dont hesitate to let me know.   I dont like Steam and am soon giving up on GOG as well.  Thank you!!!!!!!!


Hi, there is no need for steam in the game and i don't plan to force steam in any kind. It just brings one licensing channel and i support some famous steam features like the achievements if it's turned on.

I'll keep the game open to other distribution channels.

Thank you

The thing that keeps me from going forward is that when I launch the program, I see a Steam Log in section.   I want to run the program without having to validate my email address or log in to Steam..... like most stand alone programs that are on IO that I can just install and enjoy without having to jump through all the hoops that are set up for this game.   I would really like to play this game so if you decide to remove all the requirements on the start up page.... please dont hesitate to get back to me at that time.  Thank you so much and have a blessed day today.... in Jesus name!!!!!!!!


I appreciate your feedback, and I want to clarify that the email or Discord validation step during the launch is primarily to create a seamless channel of communication between players and myself. It allows players to reach out with bug reports, suggestions, or any other feedback that can greatly enhance the game's development. Your input is invaluable and has a direct impact on the game's progress.

I completely understand your desire for a hassle-free experience, and I'm committed to making the game as accessible and enjoyable as possible. The validation process is a one-time step, and once completed, you can enjoy the game without any further interruptions.

Additionally, the Steam integration you mentioned is intended for a later phase, ensuring that players who purchase the game can still enjoy it even if my servers go offline. Sure i will try to add similar things for the other distributors i want to make it buyable from.

While I can't eliminate the validation requirement at this time, I want to assure you that i have it in a state of the art secured database for it and you can request for deletion any time.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to sharing the journey of "Generation Ship" with you. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know.

(2 edits)

Thank you so much for your detailed explanation.   I was able to get in with just email validation and am now enjoying the game!!!  You are to be commended for a wonderful job on Content Creation along with Development of what appears to be an AWESOME GAME!!!!!  Have a blessed day today.... in Jesus name!!!!!!!!!!!

Also Kudos on an AWESOME Tutorial section.  It seems these days too many Game Developers leave off a good tutorial section which really affects a positive gaming experience.   This point is obviously something you did not take for granted when setting up this game!!!!!  At the risk of being redundant...... Great Job on an AWESOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much :)

Yeah, i continuously improved and updated the tutorial over the last 3 years. From each playtest i was able to watch i learned many things to improve it. I hope most of the players understand the important parts of the game with it.

(2 edits)

Had to extract GenerationShip.exe from the .rar separately from the rest of the files. Also my antivirus doesn't like it. 


Hmm, that's strange. Its definitely no virus :)

how to i change it to not lokking green

I guess you enabled the condition overlay. Just press that button again (lower left next to the "!" buttons)

This looks like a cool game :D

Thanks, did you try it out?


Yea I did and I had a fun time playing it :)


Looks cool! Good luck with your development project :)

Thanks a lot :)