Release 0.50.0 - Achievements

Release Video

Updates in this Iteration


I added the achievements for the basic game. Its now leading the player towards the end of the current game. After these 8 achievements are done, a winning screen will be shown. They will appear after each other, and will be introduced by a popup like the tutorial in later iterations.

Shorter Tutorial

I got some feedback, that the tutorial was way to boring, so i improved the Tutorial System and merged and removed most of them. I also rewrote everything, to fit to the "Player is an AI" style with a clear short commanding voice. I removed all easy to see things like "hover there to see a tooltip" or "there you see ...", due to i already have tons of tooltips explaining stuff. The Tutorial now focus on the real things, that needs to be done first. I have already added a feature, to show potential tutorials later, e.g. if the Oxygenlevel dropped too low, it can start the airquality tutorial. The style was also improved.

The Mass Balancer

You can just spin the ship, when the center of mass of the ship is in the center of the ship. Otherwise, the ship would be wobble around, causing sickness and unstable and uneven gravity. To do that, there are mass balancers. They can shift the center-of mass, by pumping water further away from the ship. They can store a huge amount of water to do that. You need at least 2 of them at different locations of the circle.

Loading process

The loading process has been improved, not freezing the game too long and showing the process.

  • Fixed bug in loading games
  • Improved loading screen, showing whats loaded
  • Faster loading of longer game sessions

Other smaller changes

  • Fixed timewarp not stopping at the end of a construction-step was finished
  • Shows reason of warping just 1h/s at construction, to hint better to problems
  • Prevent camera bouncing when using scroll-overflow
  • Fixed bug where CO2Filter was not stopping when optimum is reached
  • Fixed bug with shown dismantle problems not updating well.
  • Balancing: Add more H2O to the H2O-brown to create more of it from toilets
  • Balancing: Generator needs more Fuel
  • Balancing: Smaller H2O and H2Obrown Barrels, so more more often box spawning
  • Refactored the Mainmenu to the new UI-Architecture
  • Added new Gravity Building-Category
  • Dismantle-Empty storage step took too long after last resource left

Files 1 GB
Version 0.50.0 Apr 27, 2021

Get Generation Ship

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