Release 0.49.0 - New Tutorial

Release Video

Updates in this Iteration

New start satellite

The starting satellite is reduced to a smaller size, so the start is harder than before, and the size of the ship is not so big. The Air-Volume at start is reduced to more than half to ~600m³, so its less air in than before.
To do that, the InfrastructureModule and some walkways were removed. The InfrastructureModuler should be now the first building to build on start of a new game.

New Tutorial

Due to the new start i changed a bit the original iteration topic, to update the tutorial, to take care about the big changes, happened in the last time, so it ends up in a close to complete redo of the tutorial, leading new players through.

New Building: The Dock

The big version of the DockModule, that is added to the ship at start. Due to our ship will rotate to add some artificial gravity, the landing of the ships are getting difficult. Due to that, the big Dock has a long landing stripe and can just be droped towards the circle. It has 4 big navigation towers to lead the rocket. The rocket will move slowly to the ground, while the ship is rotating towards it.

Improved Animations

The persons are now highlighted correct. This needed a big change in the highlighting system, to support the new baked animations.
The persons are now also changing to idle state, when they didn't walk. More animations are planned in the polishing now, due to i prioritize the gameplay over it.

Other smaller changes

  • Fixed delta calculations for the Air-Percent-Values
  • GridStructure and Railway has no air volume anymore and hide it in UI
  • O² Releaser can release way more O², to fill up the air faster, but breakes also faster.
  • Make sorting of Resource-Users not changing "randomly" the sort in the ui
  • Used another icon for H²O Absorber
  • Show min max values for the air to the player
  • Fixed problem where persons are moving to the old target through air first.
  • Improved Selection Bounds of Grid and Satellite Engine
  • A lot of UI improvements and tooltips added
  • Fixed showing the Mass and Volume
  • Fixed not showing amount if its too less. Now show the g value instead of 0.0 kg

Files 1 GB
Version 0.49.0 Apr 21, 2021

Get Generation Ship

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