Release 0.45.2

Hello, i just released a new version of the game, and want quickly introduce the changes and new features. If you want to see more detailed updates of the Development, feel free to view the Blog join us in Discord. I plan to publish here just for every update, in the blog and discord close to every working day.

Feel free to try around with the game and i would be happy to get some feedback.

Improved Highlighting and Selection Visuals

Normal Buildings are now not visible through walls and also the Resources, Workers and Customers are shown, when they are interacting with the building.

Improved Choosing Visuals

If something is to be chosen, the current target is also highlighted now.

Added more Events

At these Events, the simulation will instant stop, if the user wants to. I added 2 more, for energy depleted and one for new persons arrived.

New Building: Electrolysis Module

It will split H2O to H2 and O2. Together with the FuelCell Module, it can act as a big battery for the ship.

Person Activity behavior

There is now a "Force" Mode for the Activities, when the player change the activity of a person. The Person will not automatically update their activity, till its really needed to.

Added Legend for the Overlays

I added legends for also other Parts of the Game. For now, they are just reused for the CenterOfMass Overlay, but later, when adding BuildingEffects, it can be easy reused.

Person Resources Balance Tool

I created a small balance tool, to see how much resources and Person work is needed to supply one person, and balanced it to reasonable values.

Other small changes

  • Quickfix of the tutorial, so its not crashing and showing dropping places where it cannot be dropped
  • Choose Target buttons to choose e.g. the working place are now disabled, when there is nothing to be chosen. Also added tooltips.
  • Readded the On/Off button for Buildings where it makes no sense to change the efficiency in detail
  • Fixed Activity State of Buildings, when they are not really working but ready, e.g. Service Buildings
  • Zoom just works, when being inside of the ship
  • Other internal development optimizations for tools
  • Ship starting with 100% power and O2 and 0 CO2 now.
  • Fixed selection problem for inflatable walls, so they have their own selection area now.
  • Fixed Problem where the Person not detected the current Building correct while walking around

Update for 0.45.2

Not so much changed, but improved the Releasing for further versions

  • I found problems in the Itch App, it seemed the zip mechanism i used was not working with the Itch infrastructure.
  • I also added my CI System to use the Itch tool butler to upload the releases

Files 1 GB
Version 0.45.2 Mar 17, 2021

Get Generation Ship

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